2025 Long-term Artist Residency Program awarded
NU K (Born in South Korea, 1982~)
The 2025 ART NYC Residency will offer residencies to artists and creative practitioners, currently in need of studio space to support their practice, who are interested in a long-term residency experience focused on experimentation, ongoing development, and being in dialogue with fellow residents. ART NYC welcomes applications from artists whose practice is self-directed and process-based and would benefit from the unique resource of the ART NYC at Long Island serving as an incubator for research and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Selected artist : NU K
March 1, 2025 - Feb 27, 2026
Residency participants will be provided the following basic amenities:
- Access to free, temporary, work space
- Semi-private open floor plan studios - approximately 450 square feet
- Basic work tables and chairs
- Basic overhead lighting
- Electricity
- Wi-Fi
- Heat & A/C
In addition, all residency participants will be offered:
- Opportunities for professional development, group sharing and peer critique
- Opportunities to share work in-person with the public during ART NYC’s 2023 Public Season at scheduled Open Studios moments
- Access to ART NYC’s publicity and marketing efforts via its website, e-blasts, and social media channels
Please note:
- There is NO stipend offered as part of the opportunity
- Studios facilities do not offer access to medium- or technique-specific amenities such as a woodshop, print or media lab, or a large rehearsal space
- Artists must provide and transport their own supplies and tools; restrictions apply
- Participants will be required to observe mandatory COVID-19 health and safety guidelines
To be eligible, applicants must be:
- A practicing, mid-career artist and/or creative practitioner as demonstrated by a sustained commitment to their work, career, and a public audience;
- International artists who works independently or as a small collective (no more than 3);
- 21 years of age or older;
- Must not have been supported by an ART NYC residency program in the last six (6) months;
- Must not be scheduled to participate in another residency during the residency time frame offered; and must not have existing studio space
In this year, application is closed.
We will post the next session on our website.
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