[100 Challenge] Roberta Gattel_86 February 11, 2025Despite Plato, Adriana Cavarero, 1995 Ten years ago, no female philosophers appeared in the MA curricula of Philosophy at the University of Venice. The study modules included lists of men...
[100 Challenge] Roberta Gattel_85 February 10, 2025And then there were none, Agatha Christie, 1939 I thought about telling how “And then there were none” kept me glued to its pages for two days, robbing me of...
[100 Challenge] Roberta Gattel_84 February 9, 2025The Sea Does not Wet Naples, 1953, Anna Maria Ortese Ermanno Rea, Raffaele La Capria, Erri De Luca, Domenico Starnone: I collected many novels, essays, and articles by Neapolitan authors...
[100 Challenge] Roberta Gattel_83 February 8, 2025Feelin: Creative Practice, Pleasure, and Black Feminist Thought, Bettina Judd, 2022 When I watched Nanette for the first time, I already had the structure of my photographic exhibition ready to...
[00 Challenge] Roberta Gattel_82 February 7, 2025The age of surveillance capitalism, Shoshanna Zuboff, 2019 According to Deleuze, Guattari, and Foucault, the State is a set of institutions that must satisfy the needs of citizens and protect...
[100 Challenge] Roberta Gattel_81 February 6, 2025Gender and Nation, Nira Yuval-Davis, 1997 “Now they are talking about removing the words “father” and “mother” from documents. Because family is an enemy, national identity is an enemy; gender...