[100 Challenge] Ocean_33 March 8, 2025With Chocolate in her Teeth I’m writing on some funky old brittle paper and sending it through a scanner and wriggling the page around while the scanner bar crosses the...
[100 Challenge] Ocean_32 March 7, 2025the taboo on kin sexual relations Notes from book “Blood Relations” : Menstrua equals periodic "no" against background of continuous "yes": the inverse of the usual estrus-based primate pattern. Own-kill...
[100 Challenge] Ocean_31 March 6, 2025Now, night, I am your child. What are the origins of the war between dark and light? Diurnal humans versus nocturnal predators, including cold? Fear of unending night, of the...
[100 Challenge] Ocean_30 March 5, 2025writer as hunter, poem as prey “Childhood is the royal road by which we know a country best. Ultimately there is no country but childhood’s.” - Roland Barthes Decadence as...
[100 Challenge] Ocean_29 March 4, 2025Why idealize the deep past? You want to go back and eat crickets and cower from thunder and…I place before your feet this humble platter: have you ever once felt,...
[100 Challenge] Ocean_28 March 3, 2025Matryoshka So little of the weft remains. But those who find the fortitude to permit themselves to fall through the mesh give genesis to a new species of journey....