[100 Challenge] Ocean_22 February 25, 2025Where Ecstatic Rituals Are Performed... Devil = earth spirit. Those without good relations with their ancestors fear the earth where their ancestors’ bones reside. Child’s sandbox arrangements echo the...
[100 Challenge] Ocean_21 February 24, 2025There exist no things, only beings. This hand is mine but from so long ago that my current hand does not recognize it as itself. What is it about words...
[100 Challenge] Ocean_20 February 24, 2025Reckless/reckmore I’m done with all this mad winter weather--time to move to comfy ol Mercury right up against the sun—who’s with me?! Flew home over snow-encapsulated continent. Turbulence, thoughts of...
[100 Challenge] Ocean_19 February 23, 2025Poem Wish Blows through the village malediction or plague-eye Wisps fingertipping rooftop a hexhand This season glancing the peak of my brother’s house and passing mine Next season...
[100 Challenge] Ocean_18 February 21, 2025Salammbô Boil in the vats of stone the gold Pour it over them pour It over their gazes of avarice Melt the eyes Melt them through Slosh the skulls And...
[100 Challenge] Ocean_17 February 20, 2025Porcupine Rubbish heap of time! Grandfather Has stolen everything away. Waddling thorn-back come among us his familiar Trying to stick every hour with fear of the hour to come— Begone!...