[100 Challenge] Dan Ji’s reading note_01

[100 Challenge] Dan Ji’s reading note_01




Part 1. The law of attraction and the law of conception

Chapter1 Old Wish Box

Chapter 2. Steal the energy of geniuses who changed the world

Chapter 3 Absolute Laws that Rule the World

CHAPTER 4 Mobilize the power of the universe, the power of the brain

Chapter 5 Build Your Successful Power Plant


Part2. Law of Action

Chapter 6 Key Fuel to Success, Burn Your Enthusiasm

Chapter 7, 30 days of brain readjustment

Chapter 8 Re-adjusting Your Brain Q&A

Chapter 9 From a Sewage Cleaner to a Management Consultant who wrote a success story

Chapter 10 Three Key Guidelines for Achieving Goals


Part 3. The Law of Compensation

Chapter 11 Law of Compensation

Chapter 12 Attract an Ideal Customer

Chapter 13 Find the customer's hot button

Chapter 14 Company DNA

Chapter 15 Get to the Ideal Customer

Chapter 16. Think big




Part 4. Mobilize the power of the universe, the power of the brain

How to train your unconscious mind.

First, you consciously choose the idea you want to have with your faith.

Second, this idea is systematically imprinted on the unconscious brain.

It is our fault that we believe that it will happen in real life just because we think. This is not the practice case. Nothing will be done unless this conscious thought is wholly cleaned, clearly polished, and handed over to the unconscious level.

This is the difference between setting a goal and achieving a goal. You must know how to differentiate between a conscious and unconscious brain skillfully.

-There is no direct causal relationship between what you want and getting your hands on it.

If you imprint this wind in the middle of your brain as a new instruction,

If this wind can be transformed into a habit of thinking, that is, belief,

It takes place in real life.


The conscious brain's ability to develop for success.

Will: No excuses. Push

Remember: Bring up the experience of floating in your head.

Perception: The brain sees, not the eyes.

Inference: Split, analyze, and connect.

Intuitive: Feel pure energy without misunderstanding.

Imagination: Don't stop thinking about catching floating clouds.