Now, night, I am your child.
What are the origins of the war between dark and light? Diurnal humans versus nocturnal predators, including cold? Fear of unending night, of the mistake in their rites which resurrect the sun resulting in a sunless age?
Story about a sunless age, and the recovery of the Sun, but not heroic/individualistic/anthropocentric?
In indigenous cultures, it is collective ritual that is the real, and individualist expression (tears, art, personal memoir, etc) which is minimized. “Theatre," is turned on its head from our western individualist view: the theater of the individual is unreal, whilst collective mourning, dances, weddings, etc. are culture.
Free-floating (detached from their original associated rituals) myths are echoes of the voices which once danced in the circles delineated by stone monoliths. Now, night, I am your child.