[100 Challenge] Ocean_21

[100 Challenge] Ocean_21

There exist no things, only beings.

This hand is mine but from so long ago that my current hand does not recognize it as itself.

What is it about words inked on the human body? The sense of permanence, but also temporariness of flesh. Where words appear changes them: on an overpass, in a bible, on the body. By permanenting them on flesh it excavates some fraction of the potency of words that lies buried beneath their overuse, which has been depleted by that overuse and decontextualization. 

Humans evolved from ground squirrel/rat critters who raised their young together in underground colonies. Subterranean collectivities: our association with “depth” and such.

There exist no things, only beings.

That particular constellation of individuals in a particular place– a bar, or a park, say– is perfect and inevitable. That creation, no matter how deranged, is "ideal": the ideal is not a measure against which reality can never attain, but rather is reality.