Blows through the village malediction or plague-eye
Wisps fingertipping rooftop a hexhand
This season glancing the peak of my brother’s house and passing mine
Next season passing my brother’s and alighting here
Blessings, blessings
Onward, girlchild, you are picking blueberries on the hillside
From the village far below can be heard the rising of the wailing
Into mist you climb, into deepening thicket, filling your basket
The hill becoming cloud, becoming sky, becoming night
Fade the song of human suffering
Up and up, the berries now hung on the darkening branches glow with an astral light
Never will you come down again
Blessings range with you
Blessings, blessings
Magpies have been known to have a thing with people
Knew a lady this
Mag followed her around
Brought her gewgaws
Bottlecaps in its beak wrappers bits of tire
Picked her out in a crowd wouldn’t leave her side
Gave her the creeps she tried to shoo it it
Wouldn’t go
Word is they carry a curse under em on the dark they cast upon the earth
When they flowed over made her wonder
After reincarnation and suchlike
This lady her sister’s a painter
Mother was too
The old lady died
Left these studies behind perspectives of rooms you know painter stuff
And the sister she painted their mother into the chairs
In the rooms in their mother’s paintings
Lady has a daughter
Colored part of the eyes dark as pupil bled out
Daughter asks auntie to paint in the birdies that follow mom around
Now grandma’s surrounded by em black
Splashes of wings streaks of white
Perched on the chairs around grandma’s head
Those mags ain’t dumb no
Those knicknacks are talismans they mean somethin
Curses bless you flip em over
This lady told me now somethin’s followin her daughter around
Somethin she can’t shake
A dark on the ground
A stain
A need
Lazarus’ caterwaul
father drove the volvo into the flood
the water came up through the floor
his shoe against the pedal filled with water
then up ankles to shins the car
wouldn’t go anymore he left it behind
like a dream walked to us mile on mile
through the rain like some Lazarus of the flood
he left a puddle at the door mother said you smell like dog
he threw his head back his
laughter flooded the house
Burn Burn My Friend, and Continue to Become the Wick Maker
Far-flung from the staggered pavilions in neon waymark
The solitary half-man hunched
Dreaming of the spaces between the leaves of books
How can words breathe pressed one to one in there
Stories used to breathe through throats
In the ancient recitations
But now
Only prayers see us into this world only prayers see us out
You reach for the spokeless wheel you pull it down over your hair
Does the blankness from which we assemble differ from that into which we die
Might there be a multiplicity of nullities
Lank and honey
Melanin spray over skinny bloom
Hanging there in the dark in the shape of a tear
Noose as vaginal passage
Birthing canal to the next world
Head through as the newborn crowns and jump!
The leap which never lands
The feet only hover
As in those dreams where one falls for infinity
Never to touch ground
…And then blank
The ancients who inhabit the far shore
Reach their palms toward your frail ship of twigs
Not in welcome but to push you back into this same bewildering fascia
Where vertigo and ecstasy twirl together at the event horizon
Of the black hole in the brain
Where the nucleus of oblivion
Wrestles the formshifting desiderata
Whose object and subject are identical
Named life
—A gust of air exploding backwards through the body like a shotgun shell
And you’re shackled to a hospital bed
A necklace braided into the neck
As though scarred in sidewinder
And a wonderment
Plumed and jagged
Flashing in your skull like a siren
They had found you soon enough
The rope inverted wick
With your head at its center a flame
And now far-flung from that prison
And placing in your wake rarefied marks in the tangled geometries of the twigs
My friend, now that your will has overcome the animal instinct to persist
Now that each morning rushes in with its shotgun shell
Onto an existence startled by its own anorexic nonextinction
Now that the lamb becomes the lion
And you step like an angel among holy and unholy alike
Leaving not a footprint
What are you?
A new form of man
A half-king
Mulberry Scaffold
Every family hauls its nest of silkworms when it comes season to decamp and rotate on the great wheel of the world
The children harrowing the oxen with willow
The grandmothers shouldering their baskets of grubs
Up the Jataransi meadows for muskroot then over the chipped mountains of obsidian where so many grave middens stand stacked beneath the wind
Placing our mark too and a leaving of fishtail braid from the season’s dead
Every family is wide every family its own People
Ours skid out through the landed waste toward the meetingplace of the families
Stretched doghide veils when the sands blow and camel shadow at high heat
The grandmothers howl at the prairie sun-mirror
And after the mountains a halfmoon to arrival:
Without delay the falcolners strap up to ride out hunting fox and hare
While the sister-wives and the children cousins all
Take to the work:
Trim out the saplings
Heave the poles up one to the next in the pattern and spreading the nets across them in overlapping arcs
Singing the mulberry song the grandmothers smear the mulberry paste
And to great celebration the small dragons are released upon the frames
On these the worms will weave their shapes
Spin the tents beneath which will gather the People
I was at the deli i ordered a ham on sourdough there was one spot left at the table
Man next to me said he joined a monastic order left the world awhile sat in silence ten years he saw
his lives splayed behind him like the tail of a peacock
I’m a jumper he said
You meet some crazies up there but some know exactly what they’re doing
And what exactly is that i said squirting on the mustard preparing he said
Once i let someone else pack my chute my main didn’t open
Now to access your secondary you gotta jettison the main so it doesn’t tangle you understand? You abandon your lifeline it’s no shit
I let it fly the feeling is incredible
Time was getting critical i pulled the secondary it left me just like the main
What the fuck i said
Wasn’t attached he said now they done autopsies on people that died diving and most are dead before they hit you know why? Fear
Know what i thought those seconds before i hit i thought since this is the last thing i’ll ever feel i want to feel every last iota of this
It was the most relaxed i’ve been my whole life and you know what i just bounced fifteen feet
I was broken in about every place you can get broken they had me zipped in a body bag i came to inside
The medics said i was laughing like a maniac i don’t remember
Were you afraid i said my sandwich about finished at this point
He said listen kid his throat sounded like a pyramid
I saw exactly what i saw meditating: if i had been shot in one of my previous lives i saw who shot me and i loved him like my brother i made all my pasts right
there’s lots of ways to prepare to die not just jumping no i ain’t afraid
I crumpled my sandwich wrapper it flew through the air we both watched it hit the waste bin
Ciao i said
This whole thing is a dream he said when we wake up we wake up laughing