“Hoarding vs. Potlatch"
"Animist logic subverts the secularist narrative of modernity by reabsorbing time into myth and magic" -Garuba
How jealously the rich guard their hoard. And how quick to cry injury and condemn when someone takes freely from their stores. The rich must so carefully design who possesses and who possesses not. For the rich steal the most: from the earth, from the sweat of the hired labor. Labor does not give freely of its sweat, it is strong-armed into it by culture. And the materials of the earth: the black oil drained from the veins of the earth to transport these wares; the plants and animals, the timbers and waters and electricity, all stolen.
And the bleeding from the wallets of the customers: all products are marked up and all profits slide into the pocket of the owning class.
No wonder the rich employ police and law to protect their precious property. No wonder they drill into the minds of the young the morality of the arrangement that benefits them. And what causes them to twist in their sheets at night? It is the hours of the lives they have stolen from, the warm sunshine never felt against skin, the cool foam of the sea and the cream of the moon unseen.
Where do you think we learn to steal from? From ubiquitous examples of taking without asking that happens from day one: we are not taught to ask when we pluck the vine; we are taught to take. It is rape culture. It is inanimism. It is Taker culture.