[100 Challenge] DanJi’s reading note_58

[100 Challenge] DanJi’s reading note_58

A study of literacy
To fight against the chaotic world
Author Kim Jong Won
Publishing RH Korea
Published November 13, 2020.

Literacy is not just an eye for reading. Even if you have no experience in math, art, architecture, or even medicine, if you have visual literacy, you can notice by yourself even if you have visual literacy. That is why seeing is very important. It is not reading and feeling but seeing. To sum up the words in one line is like this.
"Something you'll find out by yourself when you see it."
That's the charm of visual literacy.
You must thoroughly go back to your perspective and think to make literacy your own. It would help if you eventually came from yourself; only that can distinguish you from the world in these numerous people. Ultimately, you must also come from yourself with all the standards and principles you view the world. Therefore, you must have the mindset to show the world who you are, not who you are in the people.
If you keep looking at one, humans will evolve by themselves. This is because they imagine and infer invisible parts, cut and rub the parts that do not fit together, and perfectly connect the gears to one. In the process, we awaken to ourselves all the precious things, such as observation, analogy, empathy, questions, transformation, and integration, all materials necessary to achieve high literacy. Seeing many things proves that you have not found one to focus on. Also, not finding one demonstrates that you have no eye to discover its hidden value. Don't rush and look at one for a long time. The time and sincerity will never turn away from you and give you a gift of literacy.