[100 Challenge] DanJi’s reading note_43

[100 Challenge] DanJi’s reading note_43

Strategies of Writing Reading & Writing
Author Jung Hee-mo and Lee Jae-sung
the time of publication
Published November 15, 2005.

In the idea stage, take notes to get basic ideas. After the concept, find the data and compose the contents. Since the rough outline of the text has been set as an idea in the idea stage, the next step is to supplement the contents and create a detailed text blueprint. Once the detailed outline is completed, that's it for the planning stage of the text!
The constituent idea of the thought stage is the form in which the writing will be developed. Therefore, it is not organized by paragraph, nor is it organized in terms of contents. It is what should be done in the planning stage to fill in these sturdy ideas in detail.
Data is important. The step of supplementing the content after the idea is called 'planning.' Here, 'planning' encompasses 'data search,' 'writing making,' 'construction of writing,' and 'citing quotes and examples.'
What is the most important of these? Many people think writing can be created quickly through a genius idea, but that is very wrong—most people who have written a little say that writing comes from materials, not from heads. The importance of finding materials in writing shows that writing is done through preparation or effort, not inspiration or genius. Writing does not come from the head but from the material. If it is a heavy essay or column, it is essential to find the material and organize the content through it at this stage. The process of finding, reading, and creating the content takes place occasionally during the writing process. You should find the material at the thought stage if a theme or topic has not been determined.