[100 Challenge] DanJi’s reading note_39

[100 Challenge] DanJi’s reading note_39

La Prophetie des abeilles 2.
Bernard Werber
Publisher: Albin Michel
Published: 29 SEP, 2021

"Honeybees live an average of 40 days. During that period, they fly, sit on 1,000 flowers, and end their lives making honey just under a spoonful of soup. It's a spoonful of honey for us but a lifetime of work for honey."
Now I know what kind of person I am and what kind of person I am, but I still don't know what kind of person I'll be.
The ultimate goal of life is to realize one's potential. But isn't it ironic that you can only know this possibility by using it?
We usually use that possibility in times of crisis.
During World War II, countless people came to know themselves that they had not known before. He realized he had hidden courage and dared to give up his life to protect moral values.
We don't know ourselves. I don't know myself. Everything I do is to solve the mystery of existence. As the Bible says, we will face a question at the last moment. "Where did you spend your talent?" There is now an enormous amount of unimaginable possibilities ahead of me. What method can we use to beat Alexandre?