[100 Challenge] DanJi’s reading note_38

[100 Challenge] DanJi’s reading note_38

La Prophetie des abeilles 1.
Bernard Werber
Publisher: Albin Michel
Published: 29 SEP, 2021
Prediction of Honeybees 1
a novel written by Bernard Werber
Author Bernard Werber
translated Jeon Mi-Yeon
published books
Issued 2023.06.21

Only after his eldest son was killed in this tenth disaster did Ramses II accept Moses' offer to allow Hebrew enslaved people to leave Egypt. This time, around 1250 B.C., 600,000 families, or more than 2 million Hebrews, left Egypt, according to the Bible. They embarked on the so-called Exodus. Moses, who led his relatives to Mount Sinai, climbed the mountain alone and received a law plate bearing the following commandments.
1. I am your Lord God who has escaped you from the land of Egypt.
2. Never serve an idol.
3. Don't call my name in vain.
4. Work six days and make the seventh a Sabbath.
5. Respect your parents.
6. Don't kill people.
7. Don't commit adultery.
8. Don't steal.
9. Don't give false testimony that harms your neighbors.
10. Don't covet other people's wealth.
During the Exodus, some Hebrews worshiped the golden calf and revolted several times, but although they were sometimes hungry and thirsty, the Hebrews continued their arduous journey northward. This journey lasts for 40 years. According to the Bible, God did not allow those born in the land of Egypt to step on the Promised Land. It was because they had committed various sins during the Exodus. Only their descendants were allowed to enter the Promised Land. Moses also failed to step on the Canaan land and died at the age of 120 in Mount Nebo, where he could see it.

Around 1210 B.C., the Hebrews finally reached the promised land of Canaan.
Alexandre and Renee are as flushed as they can be. Melissa drew two circles and was still fiddling with the paper folded in half. She looks closely as if there is something in it that will broaden her thinking horizon.
"So the bottom line is that the army of Christ we built will later become... the Knights of bent time, namely the Knights of Temple."
Renee gives a supplementary explanation.
The army of Christ, who initially named themselves the "Knights of the Poor of Christ," takes note of the history of Israel and the Jewish people, especially the meaning of the Temple of Solomon, and changes its name to "Knights of the Temple of Christ and the Temple of Solomon."
Renee and Alexandre exchange meaningful eyes. Alexandre looks at Renee and says.
"We've come to the right time and place, man."