Song E Yoon Solo exhibition <Deviant sublime>

Song E Yoon Solo exhibition <Deviant sublime>

2024 Venice Biennale special project by ART NYC


Venice biennale special
Exhibition by ART NYC


Song E Yoon (1983~) <Deviant sublime>

Kunst Depot
Rio Terà dei Biri o del Parsemolo, 5415, 30121
Venezia VE, Italy

May 29 - June 7, 2024 (opening time Mon-Sun 10:30am-7:30pm) Free admission 


ARTNYC is holding a special exhibition in Venice to celebrate the 2024 Venice Biennale. It features a solo exhibition by a group of diaspora artists. Frédéric Bruly Bouabré’s exhibition will be showcased from May 29 to June 12, Song E Yoon from May 29 to June 7, and Dan Ji’s from June 8 to 12, 2024, in beautiful Venice, Italy. 


ARTNYC organizza una mostra speciale a Venezia per celebrare la Biennale di Venezia del 2024. Presenta una mostra personale di un gruppo di artisti della diaspora che vivono come governanti coloniali o immigrati in questa mostra. Frédéric Bruly Bouabré, 29 maggio - 12 giugno, Song E Yoon, 29 maggio - 7 giugno, e Dan Ji, 8-12 giugno 2024, in bella Venezia, Italia.



Song E Yoon Solo exhibition <Deviant sublime>


Song E Yoon (1983~) is a contemporary artist based in New York. Her upcoming solo exhibition, "Deviant Sublime," in Venice 2024, will feature installation works and paintings accompanied by background music from the 17th century, specifically Gregorio Allegri's 'Miserere mei, Deus.'

The artwork consists of two main triangles, with one side of each triangle appearing as a shadow that distorts or vanishes depending on light intensity or viewing angle. This triangular form, at times resembling a religious cross, symbolizes life's journey, embodying the tension and balance between past, present, and future. While representing sacredness and spiritual forces such as birth and vitality, it also conveys negative aspects like death, anxiety, and guilt. Yoon explores the profound symbolism of this intentional figure, reflecting on the sublime it evokes and the conflicting emotions within us.

Originally from Busan, South Korea, Yoon earned bachelor's and master's degrees from Pusan National University's Fine Art Department. She gained recognition as a regionally representative artist in a network of art exhibitions supported by the National Culture and Arts Support System and ARKO MUSEUM (ARKO) in 2011. Yoon has exhibited her work at major art museums across Korea and relocated to New York in 2013. She has held solo exhibitions at New York Minded Gallery and collaborated with ART NYC in 2022. Additionally, Yoon developed the theory of 'Intangible Art,' explored in her master's thesis titled 'A Study on the Invisible Dimension through the Media,' published by Busan National University Press.







Song E Yoon (1983~) è un artista contemporaneo con sede a New York. La sua prossima mostra personale, "Deviant Sublime", alla Venezia 2024, presenterà opere di installazione e dipinti accompagnati da musica di fondo del XVII secolo, in particolare "Miserere Mei, Deus" di Gregorio Allegri.

L'opera è composta da due triangoli principali, con un lato di ogni triangolo che appare come un'ombra che distorce o scompare a seconda dell'intensità della luce o dell'angolo di visualizzazione. Questa forma triangolare, a volte simile a una croce religiosa, simboleggia il cammino della vita, incarnando la tensione e l'equilibrio tra passato, presente e futuro. Mentre rappresenta sacralità e forze spirituali come la nascita e la vitalità, trasmette anche aspetti negativi come la morte, l'ansia e la colpa. Yoon esplora il profondo simbolismo di questa figura intenzionale, riflettendo sul sublime che evoca e sulle emozioni in conflitto in noi.

Originario di Busan, Corea del Sud, Yoon ha conseguito la laurea di bachelor e master presso il Dipartimento di Belle Arti dell'Università Nazionale di Pusan. Ha ottenuto il riconoscimento come artista regionale in una rete di mostre d'arte supportate dal National Culture and Arts Support System e ARKO MUSEUM (ARKO) nel 2011. Yoon ha esposto le sue opere nei principali musei d'arte in Corea e si è trasferita a New York nel 2013. Ha tenuto mostre personali alla New York Minded Gallery e collabora con ART NYC nel 2022. Inoltre Yoon ha sviluppato la teoria dell'arte immateriale, esplorata nella sua tesi di master intitolata "Un studio sulla dimensione invisibile attraverso i media", pubblicata dalla Busan National University Press.





2012 Art interview Online Magazine 28th international competition second place, Germany

Art interview Online Magazine 26th international competition Third place, Germany

2011 Art interview Online Magazine 25th honorable mention, Germany

KOREA Revolutionary Korean award offered by Sports Chosun Daily, Korea

2009  KAIST ‘Total Eclipse’ cash and solo show Grant, Korea



2024 ART NYC, ‘Deviant sublime’, Venice

2022 ART NYC, ‘Invisible but present’, Virtual, New York

2019 Newyorkminded, Drip, New York 

2017  Lee’s gallery, Not be seen, Busan 

2014  NewYorkminded, Essence, New York

2012  Soul art space,  Busan

2010  Christinagallery, Mobius strip, Busan

Puriartgallery, Mobius strip, Jakarta

Mailbox, song e code, Seoul 

2009  Daejeon City municipal Museum, Total Eclipse, Daejeon 

2008  Topohouse ‘Night time climbing’, Seoul

2007  Guerilla performance ‘Confront’ Busan, Tokyo



2018  LIC Arts Open, New York

2015   Community Art Project, New York

2014   Community Art Project, New York

2013  Open studio ARPNY, New York

 Yeagam art gallery, New York

 ‘1010’ Hutchins Gallery LIU, New York

2011   ASL gallery, New York

Yeagam art gallery, New York

2008  Kopas  ‘Art party in the house‘ Auction performance, Seoul

2007  The Festival of Korean Experimental Arts (gallery Yogiga), Seoul

Art space Min dul le <Lie in your teeth>, Busan

Soul art space <Sea Monster>, Busan



2013   God saves Queens, by Newyorkminded, Miami



2018  Asia art festival, Sungsan art hall, Changwon

2012  ‘The Secret’ Arco Museum , Seoul

‘The Secret’ Gwangjoo City municipal Museum, Gwangjoo

2011  ‘The Secret’ Busan City municipal Museum, Busan

2009  ‘Total Eclipse’ solo show project Grant by KAIST, Deajun City municipal Museum Deajun



2014 Arpny(Artist residency program NewYork), NewYork



~2018 Graduation M.F.A from Busan National University, Major: Fine art

~2008  Graduation B.F.A from Busan National University, Major: Fine art



2018 <The study of intangible dimension through the media>, Published by Busan National University



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