How can you control your Emotions?
I hate feeling sad. It means not an unfortunate feeling. It is anger or unfairness. Some people cry when discussing their successful stories with family and mom. I think carefully about their actions as well as their feelings. Anyone can feel tearful or overwhelmed when they think of the problematic past situation of themselves and their loved ones. However, even if the same tears convey different emotions to others, they remain in painful and difficult emotions without being able to relieve them even though the circumstances have changed.
There is a big difference between unfair, harmful, and hateful tears and those that are not. There is a difference in whether a tear impresses others through a story of overcoming difficulties or conveys a low-level energy that has not escaped from the problematic and harmful situations of the past.
Being able to control one's emotions is a high-level human domain. Humans in that dimension always seem to overcome difficulties and remain calm. However, people who fail to maintain their feelings and express themselves in a hurry face a perfect situation in front of them, but they miss it as if it were not their own.
On TV, I took a lecture from someone who overcame difficulties in her poor school days, passed the bar exam, and is now a lawyer. She has earned a decent social status, gained a lot of income, and can be filial to her mother, who supported her. Somehow, her emotions seemed to remain in difficult times. That energy was delivered to me through radio waves. The efforts of those who overcame difficulties and succeeded are great. They deserve to give their energy to others confidently. However, only the energy of guilt about the mother who struggled is delivered, not confidence.
Korean daughters are particularly guilty of their mother. They feel guilty from birth. Young children are emotionally responsible for what adults have to do, such as not studying, being sick, struggling with their mother, etc. They cannot escape from the bond of emotion even in adulthood.
Guilt, resentment, anger, pain, anxiety, and so on give you low-level energy. That makes you gloomy and sick physically.
Confidence, gratitude, achievement, happiness, joy, and comfort heal us and are delivered to others to make us feel good.
For a touching story about overcoming sad and painful circumstances, it is necessary to focus on the joy and confidence achieved by resolving the low-level situation. Even the same story can make the difference between just melodrama and Masterpiece.
When I look at Frida Kahlo's work, her pain is so stark and visually revealed that it hits the viewer's heart. However, her work focuses on her face-to-face pain and her attempts to overcome it. What kind of work would have been created if she had focused on the victimer's mind? It is highly likely that she was just lying down and crying!! Masterpieces may have hardly been born.