[100 Challenge] Ocean_34

[100 Challenge] Ocean_34

Anguished Searching
Do not prevent the absorption of maximum meaninglessness into oneself. Let in the tragic. Remove the defenses against the monstrosity of being a temporary existence as a symbolic animal. The horror of our creatureliness. Not deadening to the “rumble of panic beneath everything.” Undeaden our childlike sensitivity to the overwhelming miracle of each thing, of becoming, of not knowing the when and the how of dying. Incorporate all of existence: the bizarre permeation of us with our interior and exterior ecosystems: the gut bacteria, the mites, all of it. Remain aware (quite challenging). Working within the “nightmare of creation,” our “anguished searching.“
“The most that any one of us can seem to do is to fashion something – an object or ourselves - and drop it into the confusion, make an offering of it, so to speak, to the life force.“-Ernest Becker
“...One must pay with life and consent daily to die, to give oneself up to the risks and dangers of the world, allow oneself to be engulfed and used up.” -Ernest Becker
Last night dreamt I was wearing books for shoes. Standing atop literature; or: literature gives me standing. I shoulda just been a chef and called it quits, but here we are, thigh-deep in all this death-dealing wordplay. Kisses to all skulls.