the taboo on kin sexual relations
Notes from book “Blood Relations” :
Menstrua equals periodic "no" against background of continuous "yes": the inverse of the usual estrus-based primate pattern.
Own-kill and incest taboo as economic: meat and sex. Praises to the killed animal are not about animism or spirit but to stand in for the own-kill taboo.
When a sister or other clan member births, the people feel that their collective “body” expands, grows stronger.
"Incest" is not familial. It is clan-delimited. Males can't mate with females of their home clan. Term could be “the taboo on kin sexual relations”.
Avoidance of totemic meat and of one's female relatives are equally avoidance of "one's own flesh." The self is not to be appropriated for the self– it is for others. One’s flesh is for others to enjoy. A man’s meat and sisters are himself. The simplified rule, then, is against "consuming one's own flesh."
No eating one's own self, own blood
Women, collectively, designed culture, just as they are the forebears of all our corporality. Women built the own– kill taboo, to get meat and infant rearing support.
The gift of most precious assets: reproductive women and nutrition-dense meat, via taboo, to others, is then reciprocated in flows. = Social trust.
What an elegant way to hold up society; generosity flows.
Mascots—schools, sports teams— replicate/continue the tradition of animal heraldry. Clans oriented around a specific animal identification.