[100 Challenge] Ocean_30

[100 Challenge] Ocean_30

writer as hunter, poem as prey
“Childhood is the royal road by which we know a country best. Ultimately there is no country but childhood’s.” - Roland Barthes
Decadence as the rigidification of once-numinous encounters. Religious rites, art movements, etc. originally these originate in intimate direct experiences. 


Prior animals deified, prior phenomena worshiped, noumena permeated, penetrated, encompassed, included man. Modernity: Humans feeding on grasses like locusts. Coins, used as exchangeable wealth, degenerated from ritual religious offerings like hand-drilled shells etc.
The world gave; we did not barter, beg, or hoard. The hunter was profoundly free, in ways we barely fathom anymore. Hunter degenerates to warrior. Beautiful elegant dance of hunter and prey: writer as Hunter, poem as prey.
Phobias as echo of totem animals Participate in the body of the snakebite dancing. The snake is the culture, weaving back-and-forth between the taboo times. Crossing paths with an actual snake, what must it had been like to not see the snake even as a symbol, but to know that the snake itself was the very culture of the people.