Closure vs. Fray
We come into being and we go out of being. Theater permits man to resume his place between life and dream. “Finding” meaning: implies that meaning is concealed, must be found. Use of the throat to the purpose of incantatory sounds, versus word language. Actor (writer) as spiritual athlete. The fantasy of the idealized primitive is one of knowing one's place, of contextualization: in history, and cosmos, in community, etc.
The forms that the dead take when the living resurrect them are within new fleshless bodies: bodies called "myths.” Emptiness can only be filled with emptiness; anything placed in it (words, existence, etc.) negates the beingness of emptiness, transforming it into something un-empty. A critique of the concept of “closure" : oppose it with the image of the always-fraying-knot, which represents the delicious, unfinishable end-tips of reality: each conversation that will not be continued, every morsel uneaten, every preference uncontinued. When one suicides to flee anxiety, say, suddenly the anxiety is left without the body it was inhabiting, it is expelled, say by bullet or hanging. It dallies about, but soon will need another host…
A wish for new hungers—and this very wish is itself a hunger for no food, an insatiability which gnaws at the hem of what IS with the teeth of what might be.
Good and evil, right and wrong, are the story of the biblical fall. But though delving into this duality was the downfall, would not the act of eating the fruit itself being seen as"wrong" by the garden’s overseer already be an example of perceiving and act as "wrong"? Did God exempt the eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, or not exempt? Was God's ostracization itself the first act motivated by "Wrongness"? Was God then tainted by Eve’s eating? TBD! :D