[100 Challenge] Ocean_23

[100 Challenge] Ocean_23

Ghost Worship


Money? Money is about the future. That's why it is evil. It takes us away from where life happens, which is here.

Battle as immaculate performance: in glinting armor, in hymns, in arrangements of soldiers and ships into divine geometries, with kings enthroned observing the battle on high as in an opera box. Now tour buses like glinting caterpillars cruise the sacred trade roads, and all kings are hanged.

Children play at burying treasure. This is them protecting the spiritual wealth from a dangerous age. Elders bury blessings in the bones of those yet to come.

Aboriginal dot tattoos map spiritual geographies. Buddhist thangas show the architectures of mind. I can’t help but hold the belief that even our most venerated spiritualities are scaffoldings hung in the place where a truly simple lifeway existed of total animist implication with a trusted benign universe.

We don’t worship gods we worship ghosts.