[100 Challenge] Ocean_22

[100 Challenge] Ocean_22

Where Ecstatic Rituals Are Performed...


Devil = earth spirit. Those without good relations with their ancestors fear the earth where their ancestors’ bones reside.

Child’s sandbox arrangements echo the cosmos. Offerings of food to the dead, and to animals.

Uncontacted tribes, etc. (where are you, o truly feral people? Let us never find you…)

Folktales which enchant us with tales of the pure of heart being allowed to come close to sacred animals, such as the stag and the unicorn, harken back to a time when the best hunters could get close to animals.

Subconscious with its massive array of images as realm of the dead. This confirms the sleep state, which is such a near death experience, being filled with illusions. 

To “hide” is to conceal oneself; and animal hide: don the animal skin in order to conceal oneself by becoming other. To conceal oneself from oneself: blessed relief from being.