[100 Challenge] Ocean_05

[100 Challenge] Ocean_05

Dollar Signs Like Silver Balloons


So my cousins came out in their Oldsmobile, dragging some of their reptiles with them. The lot of them run a shop outside of Tucson. Turtles, snakes, terraria. Oh yes they have a back room: exotics, money counters. The car’s just a husk, it’s got a Swavi-800 under the hood. So yeah they were out, passing around some dermal Zetomite, and they’re trying to get me in on one of their latest jobs. Something about a baboon in bondage, I wasn’t much listening. Me I’ve been in on a few of them, but it gets harder and harder to catch my eyes in the mirror. One of them flashed a Geiger counter. Can see the scales on the arms rising up under the shirtsleeves. So I start stroking this Hila that they had in a bassinet, the Zeto rising up in my nerves like aluminum. Things were going fine, I liked the tongue on the thing--it was like the string on a balloon, I kept lancing out to catch it but it kept slurping the muscle back in. Sure I’ll do another job with ya. Free a baboon. Something special about the baboon, it had been trained to sensitize some sort of inbuilt sensor, could dig up these rare dune lizards that live their whole lives beneath the sand. The cousins wanted those lizards. No one had them. No one sold them. Dollar signs spilled from their eyes like silver balloons. I grabbed at their tongues.


Time got away


