[100 Challenge] DanJi’s reading_65

[100 Challenge] DanJi’s reading_65

True Age
Cutting-edge research to help turn back the clock
Morgan Levine, PhD
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Published: 1 MAY, 2023

Because the Body Age Scale is still new, we are trying to understand, in general, what we can do to slow down or reverse aging. The epidemiological study comparing people in the general population has revealed vital traits common in people who seem to age more slowly. These traits are not surprising. On average, those biologically younger than those of the same age tend to quit smoking, drink to a minimum, exercise regularly, eat more vegetables and eat less red meat, sleep better, and be under less stress. This is understandable. We already know all of these things contribute to longer, healthier lives. But even so, we don't yet understand how these factors affect each individual. The more you develop these habits, the more likely they are to age, but the same will not be accurate for everyone. Furthermore, the science of this field is not perfect. We still have a sloppy understanding of the ideal diet and precisely what exercise and how much.
Knowing your aging speed can help you develop personalized exercise, diet, and lifestyle habits that can help you stay biologically young and healthy in and out of your body for as long as possible. This biohacking concept emphasizes personalization and responsibility for actively promoting your health. Each individual has a unique body age scale and their own health profile that can be changed simply by selecting and adjusting lifestyle habits. In summary, each of our health has its own unique biological characteristics and cannot be dealt with as much as there is a 'single and universal' solution.
There is a body clock that virtually forces us to grow old. This clock, he said, was chosen through evolution. Aging and death benefit the whole group, and the old individual dies so that the new generation can successfully continue to pass on to ensure the group's survival. He argued that if this were true, the aging process could be stopped or reversed simply by 'turning off' the central regulator or switch controlling this progression.