Transform your business by being remarkable
Seth Godin
Publisher: Penguin (General UK)
Published: 24 FEB, 2005
Table of Contents
Recommendation Company
Preface to the Korean version of the author
not enough P
New P
New concept definition
Before that, during that time, after that
Why Sculpture Bread Succeeded
Did you notice the revolution?
Why do I need a purple cow
TV-Industrial Complex Death
before and after
Think about Beetle
What's working?
Why do I get annoyed when I see [The Wall Street Journal]
It is not all about recognition
Dangerous roads are safe roads
Case study: Will it go up?
Case study: What should the Tide do?
Ideas that spread out prevail
a big misunderstanding
Who listens?
a trick
Who's interested?
Not all customers are the same
the law of large numbers
Case study: Chip Conley
Problems with Purple Cow
Follow the leader
Case Study: Aeron Chair
Prediction, profit, and purple cow
Case Study: The Best Bakery in the World
Mass marketers don't like to measure
Case study: Logitech
Who wins in the world of Purple Cow
Case study: New kind of kiwi
Benefits of Being a Purple Cow
Case Study: Italian Butchers
Wall Street and Purple Cow
Remarkable opposites
a pearl in a bottle
the paradox of parody
72 Pearl Jam albums
Case study: Qrad
Just sit around doing anything
Case study: U.S. Postal Service
In search of Otaku
How Dutch Boy Shook the Paint Industry
Case study: Krispy Kreme
courses and plans
the power of slogans
Case study: Hagen Dazs, Bronxville
Sell what people can talk about
the problem of compromise
Case study: Motorola and Nokia
Purple Cow Magic Cycle
What it means to be a marketer today
We're not marketers. We're designers now
What does Howard know?
Should it be shocking to be remarkable?
Case study: McDonald's France
But what about the factory?
the problem of cheap stuff
Case Study: What Should Hallmark Dotcom Do?
When Purple Cow is looking for a job
Case study: Tracy, public relations expert
Case Study: Robin Waters Knows
Case study: So famous that no one goes there
Is it a matter of passion?
an unmistakable fact
Salt isn't dull: 8 ways to make Purple Cow work
What would Orwell say?
What a translator said
- People engaged in marketing talked about '5P'.
Product products, pricing pricing, promotion, positioning positioning, publicity promotion, packaging, Passalong circular, Permission granted
This is the marketing checklist. This checklist makes it easy to see if you've done your part as a marketer and explains how to make people buy freshly shipped items from the factory.
It isn't easy to guarantee that marketing will always work. In the past, if all P elements were adequately equipped, they did not fail. However, it is not enough to have just the existing Ps. This book is about a new P that has suddenly become exceptionally important.
Remarkable means it's worth talking about. It's worth noting; it's exceptional, new, and exciting. In short, it's a purple cow.
Remarkable marketing Remarkable marketing
This refers to a technology that creates a remarkable product or service. It is to understand that the product does not stand out unless it is remarkable.
• TV-Industrial Complex TV-Industrial complex refers to a symbiotic relationship between 'consumer needs,' 'TV advertising,' and 'growing companies thanks to ever-increasing investment in marketing costs.'
• Post-consumption consumers who don't have much to buy. You already have everything you need, don't have many products you want, and you're too busy to find what you've worked hard to make.
• Marketing Department: A group of people who take a product or service on the verge of completing a marketing department and spend money on delivering its advantages to their target consumers. This method no longer works.
- Don Peppers Don Peppers and Martha Rogers have pioneered the "CRMC Customer Relationship Management" field, where retaining existing customers is much more economical than finding new ones through the "one-on-one marketing revolution." According to Peppers and Rogers, customers are divided into four categories: potential, customers, enthusiasts, and past customers, of which enthusiasts are most likely to spend the most money.
- Stop advertising and start innovating!
Most items we can imagine we'll need have already been invented. Marketing laws from the past don't work anymore. "Create a remarkable product and target a small number of people who aspire to such a product!"
Dangerous roads are safe roads. The only way is to target people who like change and new things and actively seek out what you sell.
Instead of using your skills and expertise to create a better product tailored to the general behavior of consumers, experiment with whether the product's performance can be dramatically improved by inducing users to change their behavior.
- It is no coincidence that a product pops up. Idea viruses are usually created when all virus elements are well harmonized.
How smooth and easy can you spread your ideas?
How often does Snizzer spread ideas around?
Does your target customer have strong solidarity and active communication?
Do they trust each other?
Do people who are likely to spread your ideas have a good reputation?
How persistent is the idea?
Is it like a temporary trend that spreads quickly and then disappears, or is it a long-lasting idea?
Use this analysis to develop your new product. Then, you'll know which products are most likely to be successful. These products and ideas are worth bringing to the market.
- Discriminate your customers. Find the group that brings in the most revenue. Find the group that has the strongest snizzer tendencies. Think of ways to nurture, advertise to, and reward these groups. Ignore the rest. You do not have to cater to the general public for your advertisements and products. If you can pick a customer, meet only the customer's needs you would have chosen.
0. List competitors that do not follow the 'All-for-All' strategy. Are those companies outperforming your company? Where would that be if you chose a niche market you could target? So why not develop a unique product that only appeals to this market?
1. Buy a bottle of Dr. Bronus. Now, work with your factory and your designer to transform one of your products into a Bronner.
2. How do you modify your products and services to make them appear in the next episode of "Saturday Night Live" or the parody section of industry magazines?
3. Do you have an email address of 20% of your customers who love the work your company does? If not, quickly gather it. What can you do for these extra unique customers if you already have one? Go to www.sethgodin.com and sign up for the author's mailing list. Then you'll know what happens.
4. Can you make your product become a collection of people?
5. Go to the sci-fi exhibition. The people who come here are pretty strange. How do you create that kind of consumer base? Jeep succeeded. Fast Company and basketball company Longerberger did, too. Similar groups exist in the investment industry, the computer OS market, and the multimillion-dollar stereo system market. The products are different, but the sneezers and early adapters work similarly.
6. Where is your product, and where is your marketing bluster? Dutch Boy's paint container is a product, not a bluster. Similarly, think again about what you're selling.
7. If you are in an intangible business, your business cards are an essential part of what you sell. What if everyone in your company had to carry a second business card? A business card that practically sells them (and you). Imagine a business card that Milton Glaser or Chip Kidd designed worth delivering. Now, do it quickly!
8. Get Permission from the first people you touched. Not Permission to spam, sell inventory, or make extra profits. It's Permission to let me know when you have another Purple Cow.
9. Work with sneezers from the corresponding consumer base and make sure they can help you beyond catharsis. Provide sneezers with the tools they need to communicate their ideas to a wide range of consumers.
10. Once your business has moved from being remarkable to the profitable phase, have another team milk the Purple Cow. Commercialize your service, service your product, and let thousands of variants arise. But don't trust your press releases. It's inevitable to start descending into daily necessities. Squeeze out anything worthwhile and quickly.
11. Reinvest. Could you do it again? Be fierce. Again