Lammert Kamphuis
Publisher: De Bezige Bij
Published: 22 OCT, 2020

Philosophy tells us to critically observe thoughts or actions that seem apparent on the surface. Philosophy is an opportunity to put a healthy distance between yourself and your entrenched thinking structure. Philosophy makes us think more flexibly. It also reminds us that we are more accessible to thinking than guessing.
The history of philosophy is a conversation that has lasted for more than 2,500 years and is a process of pursuing the correct language. Philosophers have been struggling with the questions we ask ourselves for hundreds of years.
Plato stated that at least two things can be learned from these immature behaviors of philosophers. First, considering the enormous questions of life is much more interesting than work. Regardless of what happens in life, we have an inner world in which the mind can do whatever it wants. In our minds, we can travel anywhere, any time, and our daily worries are pushed far away. Second, stupid philosophers remind us that we don't have to worry about what others think of us.
"Things that don't kill you make you stronger," Friedrich Nietzsche
"We begin to find ourselves only after we are lost," Henry David Thoreau
"Lotus bloom in the deepest, most muddy mud," a Buddhist saying
There is a different word for the same meaning.
Philosophy has long been a way of taking care of yourself. Philosophers thought 'cultivating people the power to heal themselves from unhealthy thoughts' was their fundamental task. The ancient Roman philosopher Cicero said, "There is a medicine to heal the soul, and that is philosophy.
Philosophy is a training that fosters flexibility in perspective. We think of various ideologies that influence how we see ourselves and others and how we want to lead our lives, whether consciously or unconsciously.
It's my relationship with myself, my relationship with others, and my relationship with the world.
It teaches you how to creatively overcome dissatisfaction, anger, and anxiety in your relationship.
Another obvious advantage of philosophy in relationships is that it makes us better understand others. We learn to face the views of others more open-mindedly by doubting what we are sure of.
Digging into and observing the world in a thoroughly philosophical way about the world opens the way to look at everyday life from an entirely new perspective.
Philosophy helps turn an unhappy world into a place of comfort through four comforting forms: re-recognition, relativization, acceptance, and expectation.