[100 Challenge] DanJi’s reading note_34

[100 Challenge] DanJi’s reading note_34

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1.
Yoshikawa Eiji
Publisher: KODANSHA
Published: 1939~1943 in Tokyo Mainichi newspaper/ Book 1948

Three Kingdoms of Korea 1 Dowon. Gunseong, Classic in the Hand 15
Eiji Yoshikawa, author of the book
Translated by Kim Daehwan
Publishing It Book
Published 2023.02.15.

If we conclude the 盟 of righteousness, a military will be formed. A general must have a general in the military, and a warrior must have a master army. Justice and a national treasure, 報, must be at the center of the action, and if there is no master army at the center of each individual, it will end up as a rebellion in the Dodang 徒黨 and become a mischief. Gisaeng and I have been buried in the open field so far and waited for the time because no one who would be the center of it has quickly appeared. I hastily arranged an oath today because I met a man named Ubi Hyeon-Seok, who inherited the blood of the Han Dynasty, and today, I would like to serve Prince Ubi Hyeon-Seok as our Lord. What do you think of Gisaeng?"
Equipment clapped his hands at Guan Yu's question. "OK, that's what I thought. If you're going to do as you say, let's make an oath before praying to God here." "Gugong, it's our two's wish. Please listen." Guan Yu and Equipment urged the answer. "Please wait a moment." Liu Bei suppressed their momentum and fell into a deep thought for a while. He then straightened himself and opened his mouth again. "Yes, I am a person who inherited the blood of the Han Dynasty's imperial family, and in that respect, I should sit in the position of the Lord, but I have not yet developed the discipline or virtue to become a Lord because I was born stupid and lived in the countryside for a long time. Please wait a little longer." "What about telling you to wait a little longer?" "I don't think it will be too late to confront reality, build virtue, train yourself, and I will see if I have the qualifications to become Lord and make a promise with you." "No, we have already seen that." "But I am still hesitant. Let's do this. Your oath is that we will form a brotherhood after we occupy a country, a province, and here, the three of us will form a brotherhood. Rather, it would be better to promise that the three of us will be brothers forever, even after becoming military gods."
The mother hurried back to the kitchen when the three of them said that all the preparations were finished. The girl who ran away in confusion when she saw the equipment yesterday, the son of her neighbor, and several other family members came to help.
After a while, the first thing that seemed impossible to lift alone came up to the altar stone. Next came the whole piglet in oil, the sheep boiled, the dried vegetables in the rock 牛酪, and the pickles that had been left for many years. Each time, the three opened their eyes wide at the hearty delicacy. In the meantime, the men brought a high-quality table and chairs made of quince trees to the chief's house. "It's a splendid feast." The equipment rejoiced like a child. When the preparation was finished, everyone who had bought the food went into the main house. They exchanged glances and sat on the mat before the altar. "Please wait a moment," Guan Yu said politely as he was about to start praying to the God of heaven and earth. "Sitting in front of this altar, I suddenly had this thought. A system does everything. There can be no success in anything without a system. By chance, the three of us are trying to achieve a big deal starting today by seeing a consensus in terms of spirit, but we cannot say that we have achieved a system only with the three of us gathered. There are only three people now, but we want more than that. The three of us must unite our minds. When you work, you often see a disagreement. You should never have such a result. Even if you pray to God and hold a rite, a great deal cannot be achieved if a person does not do his best." Guan Yu was right a hundred times.
However, Guan Yu and Liu Bei had no idea how to build the system. Guan Yu continued, "There are no soldiers, weapons, or funds yet, but I think it would be good to take this opportunity to take this opportunity to write a 盟 of righteousness." "Hmm." Guan Yu nodded loudly, holding a long beard and pulling his face. "OK, Guan Yu?" "What else do you need to say?" The three of them poured cow's blood and alcohol toward the altar again, bowed politely, and then offered a silent prayer to the gods of heaven and earth. Guan Yu had the most, followed by Yu Bei, and then Yu Bei, but his age did not restrict him because he was to form a brother.
"Please be your eldest brother. If you don't do that, there is no way to stop the disorder of the equipment," Guan Yu said. "Please do that. Even if you don't like it, we will accept it as the two of us are older and older, so it's no use." Liu Bei didn't even bother to refuse the equipment. In doing so, the three sat face to face, told them their ideals of the future, and swore an oath. Soon, they retreated from the platform and sat around a table under the peach tree. "Well, forever." "May not change." The three swore to share their brother's cup and to work together as one body to repay the country and to save all their people from Dotan as a lifelong occupation of the great-grandfather. Gigi raised his glass as if he had begun to feel drunk. "Ah, there would never be a better day. How delightful. I will say to heaven again: we three here were not born in the same year, the same month, the same day, but hopefully, we will die in the same year, the same month, the same day."