[100 Challenge] DanJi’s reading note_02

[100 Challenge] DanJi’s reading note_02

Curating your life

-Ending the struggle for work-life balance-

Gail Golden

Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield; Unabridged edition (08 APR,2020)

Published: 14 JUL 2020


- Life is a matter of energy; after all

Chapter 1: The art of prioritization
- How to discover the value that matters to me
- Stand up to the strict values within me
- If the pot of life is full of sand

Chapter 2: Take your hands off unimportant things
- delegate to a person
- a way to say no, well
- How to treat people who are taking away my energy
- What will happen if I say no

Chapter 3: Things That Change When You Ditch Perfectionism
- Consider the return on energy investment
- People don't care about your standards
- Perfection is an illusion
- What you have to give up to focus on important things
- things that are okay to manage
- You can't be praised for everything

Chapter 4: Pursue Your Excellence
- To excel is to do something important
- How will I be remembered when I die
- Three things you need to live a life of excellence
- Everyone needs helpers
- Choose your excellence
- Don't put off your work anymore
- a moment of bold abandonment
- where my energy is supposed to be

Chapter 5: A house should be a space for energy
- Sometimes, you have to spend your energy on conflict
- a time when you need a lot of energy in your life
- For all family members to be happy
- Home, a place to recharge energy

Chapter 6: Secrets of High-Efficiency People
- To manage your energy wisely
- Why Fear Ruins Your Organization
- How to drive productivity
- What conflicts to intervene in
- Try to figure out your work orientation
- priority water level project

Chapter 7: When to Change Your Life's Priorities
- Psychological development continues in adulthood
- Life's priorities are bound to change
- Energy distribution according to priority
- a moment of change in life
- Change is always a difficult task

Chapter 8: How to be a curator in your life
- the true freedom of moderation
- as long as it doesn't violate the rules
- Imagine who I am in the future

Kelly tried to do too much, keeping herself to overly high standards. She couldn't hear what her body and mind were saying and cared too much about other people's standards. As a result, Kelly, who had great potential, was not living a whole and productive life that she could enjoy.
To maximize the energy available,
First, we need to increase the energy capacity, which is the total energy used.
Second, we need to focus our energy as much as possible to use limited energy where it is essential and not waste energy where it is useless.
[Energy power plant of body and soul] Reference.
- It is impossible to manage time. One day is set at 24 hours.
Instead, focus on energy management.
- Life is not a marathon. The fact is that productive people are a series of sprints.
- Live your life like an athlete. Run at full speed for a set amount of time and have a recovery period.
- Evaluate and manage physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy.

Yes) I will put 17 pots on the 4-hole gas stove.
Energy curating is required.
- At least what you won't do now - take your hands off. Say no.
- What to do on an everyday level - nonsense that if you can't do it perfectly, you'd better not do it.
Use as much energy as you need at a medium level.
- What to do excellently - find it and pour your best energy into it.

Identify your values!!!
e.g., persistence, autonomy (even infant and unconscious values)
The value, I think.
Work, family, enjoyment, health care, self-care, external activities, cleaning, money management, travel, appearance development, shopping, learning, food, communication, and more.

To make adult decisions about what is essential in life, you must clearly define the values that you consider necessary.